Wanting to join KCLDanceSoc, but not too sure which style to try? Well why not join us for our FREE taster day on Sunday 25th September and try them all! We’re offering classes in Swing, Banghra, Jazz, Contemporary, Salsa, Bachata, Burlesque, Hip Hop and Breaking, so why not pop down to room AR1 in West…
Term 1 Timetable!
With just over a month till freshers, our highly anticipated term 1 class timetable is here! We’ve got all the classics from salsa and hip hop to contemp and ballet, and new to us this year, commercial!! Classes start on Monday 26th September, with our free taster day on Sunday 25th Sept, so make sure…
SHINE Mentoring
Over the course of the week KCL Dance Soc has been helping out SHINE Mentoring in their annual celebration events, kicking off our first charity event of the year. SHINE is a KCL charity operating one-to-one mentoring programs for primary school children in London, and we were delighted to be able to share in the…
KCLSU Awards
Thanks to fantastic members, KCL Dance Society won the award for ‘Activity Group of the year’ at the KCLSU Awards. Our VP, Amy Burley, also received a half Laurel for her commitment to the society. The night was great fun with performances from MSA, Bhangra, and our very own Chloe Ollis-Smith and Alex Theoklitou who…
FREE Classes!
Classes begin Monday 9th May and will run for three weeks! To celebrate an amazing year and as a treat to our wonderful dancers during this stressful exam period alll classes will be FREE!