Being a member of DanceSoc you will be part of a huge group of fun-loving and friendly people, have discounts to all our socials and classes and the opportunity to perform on stage in our annual show in March.
PLEASE NOTE: EVERYONE must have some form of Dance Soc membership in order to access the West Wing building. This is a KCLSU policy, and MUST be obeyed. Please make sure you have either paid membership (£20) or associate membership (£20). All can be bought/obtained from the KCLSU website.
Paid membership entitles you to a discounted price of £2 instead of £5 for each class, and allows you to purchase discount cards (6 classes for £10). You must have paid membership in order to take part in our competitions team Fusion, or our annual show.
Membership can be purchased from a KCLSU Hubs at any of the three King’s College campuses (Strand/bush house, Guy’s and Waterloo). Just present your King’s student ID card and tell the cashier that you wish to join the Dance Society.
Alternatively you can do your membership online via the KCLSU Societies Website
Please keep your receipt once you’ve paid for your membership and bring it to your first lesson as we may need to see it to verify your details!
Not a King’s student?
Membership is not exclusive to Kings students, if you are a non-King’s student and wish to become member, please visit and be sure to fill out the KCLSU Associate Membership Form and return it to the KCLSU either by post or in person to your nearest Student Centre to become an KCLSU Associate Member of the society.
NB: Proof of Association can be gained from the KCL Dance Soc in the form of a written letter. Please contact us for one prior to submitting your form.