Strictly Come Dance Soc

HUGE thank you and congratulations to everyone involved with #StrictlyComeDanceSoc! We managed to bring 15 different societies and sports teams from across King’s together to put on a truly fantastic show! I think it’s safe to say you amateur dancers are amateur no more! All your hard work has managed to raise over £2,000 for…

One World Week

As part of KCLSU’s #OneWorld week we’re putting on a FREE bellydance workshop this Tuesday (15th)! We’ll be in AR1 West Wing (Guy’s Campus) from 7-8pm, so make sure to join us for what promises to be a great class (the last bellydance workshop was a HUGE success) that may also have some Egyptian themed…

Strictly Come Dance Soc

Yep, that’s right! Strictly Come Dance Soc is here!  We’ve got some amazing performances in store for you – our sporting stars of KCL and GKT have been hard at work in the training room to deliver some top quality entertainment to brighten up your week! So make sure to join us at Greenwood this…


*** IMPORTANT NEWS ON ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP *** Associate membership is now available once again (yay!), to KCL alumni, KCL + KCLSU staff, and current ULU uni students. All must be over 18. The cost is £25 plus our society membership fee, so £40 in total. You must complete the application form found on the KCLSU…