As some of you may already know our lovely Vice President, Amy Burley, is running for the position of Societies Officer on the Student Council this year!

Last year as Communications and Marketing officer and already as VP, Amy has made an amazing contribution to KCL Dance Society and had shown herself to be wholeheartedly committed to making everyone feel welcome within the society. One of the key points within Amy’s manifesto include improving the space available to societies, particularly the new Student’s Union on Guys Campus which is due to open next September. This is something that will have a great impact on KCL Dance Soc and so a vote for Amy will ensure that our voices within the society are heard! We strongly believe that if Amy can dedicate as much time and effort to the Student Council as she has done to Dance Soc in the past few years, King’s will become a much happier place and all societies will have their voices heard. 

To read Amy’s full manifesto visit the KCLSU website:
Voting opens on Tuesday 13th October at 10am and closes at 5pm the same day, so everyone VOTE FOR AMY!


amy burley _Fotor