Competitions officer, Alex Theoklitou, has been working hard all year round, excellently organising everything FUSION related. His biggest task and equally best triumph of the year was our very own competition Just Dance It 2015. Despite a few fire alarm related hiccups, all the prep and planning was all worth it and everyone went home with smiling faces.

For FUSION, Just Dance It, was our most successful competition of the season, placing in EVERY category. However, I think everyone would agree that our proudest achievement is definitely the award for “Best Team Spirit”, FUSION is one big family and without the support of each other our success would be nothing. Lots of FUSION love Fx

Ballet: 1st

Tap: 3rd

Jazz: 3rd

Contemporary: 2nd

Hip Hop: 3rd

Trio: 2nd

Salsa: 2nd

Best Team Spirit!

fusion final