Second term is set to host our annual dance show for 2015 on the 25th, 26th and 27th of March, and this year the theme is REVOLUTION!
With all the choreographers and routines selected, now its your turn to show us what you can do. Audition week commences 19th January, the day and time the audition is held will be your rehearsal slot throughout, the audition will be ran by the choreographer, just like a rehearsal. Hopefully there is something for everyone, you are more then welcome to be in as many numbers as you wish, however we do insist that you must not be in consecutive dances, so please refer to the running order. Please also note you must be available the whole of show week for tech runs etc.
Best of luck.

Show Running Order:

Act 1
Amy – Musical theatre
Katie – Contemporary

Aparnaa – Bellydance
Isabelle Ng – Contemporary
Piyal – Tango/Bachata
Eleanor – Tap
Cheidu- Funk
Josh – Lyrical
Mariya – salsa (ladies styling)
Beth – modern
Mok – Hip Hop
Connie and Robyn – Tap
Kana/Ethan – Breaking and ballet
Alex – character jazz/hip hop


Act 2
Ellen – Musical theatre
Jodie – Street/KPOP/HipHop
Jamie – contemporary
Penny/Olivia – Tap
Dorothy/Dan – Breaking/Hip Hop
Rheanne – dark contemporary
Francis – Salsa
Louisa – rocky jazz
Kellie – Irish
Laura – Burlesque
Brittany and Asha – Ballet
Fran/Izzy – commercial
Jeff/Katie – Swing
Ji and Xin – Hip Hop

Auditions And Dance Descriptions:

Monday 19th January

Style: modern
Description: a contemporary jazz piece about the revolution of equality for women. The song is Lady Gaga ‘Speechless’ with quotes from famous feminist speakers also playing. The dance will be a mixture of boys and girls with partner work and lifts, with the boys representing the taking of a woman’s voice away in this emotive and powerful piece.
Level: Intermediate
Number of dancers: 8-10
Location: Spit
Choreographer: Beth Stanbridge

Style: dark contemporary
Description: based upon a revolutionary work, Dante’s Inferno, which describes a journey to paradise through hell. The piece will be a dark routine showing the torment of travelling through hell to ultimately reach paradise. The dancers will be wearing black all in ones with capes. Prepare to get in touch with your dark side with this contemporary jazz!
Level: advanced
Number of dancers: 15-20
Location: AR1
Choreographer: Rheanne Sun Wai

Style: rocky jazz
Description: the piece revolves around teenage rebellion, with music to “Problem Child” by ACDC. It’s a fun, fast jazz routine about teenagers revolting against parents/teachers etc and having fun. This piece involves trying new things and experimenting with new ideas, being provocative and above all enjoyment! The costume will be jeans/shorts and checked shirts.
Level: intermediate to advanced
Number of dancers: 20-24
Location: Spit
Choreographer: Louisa Gomes Munro

Style: salsa
Description: the piece is about a slave revolt in which the slaves fall in love and get married. The slave owner isn’t happy with this so locks them up. The slaves escape jail and start a riot against the owner. This piece will be fun and feisty, with great salsa moves to carry the theme through!
Level: intermediate and above
Number of dancers: 10-12 (5-6 couples)
Location: AR4
Choreographer: Francis Man

Style: swing with a bit of ballroom
Description: this is a fun swing piece with a mood of celebration! There was a time where prim and proper ballroom dances prospered in the early 1900s. However along the sidelines awaiting to crash the party came the Swing Revolution! With crazy dance moves and energy by the bucket-loads, the 1920s marked a new era of freeform social dancing and spurred on many other styles to follow. Fast forward 100 years, could we be seeing another resurgence of Swing as it comes full circle? The piece is to “ballroom track”, “happy” by C2C and “everything is jumpin” by Artie Shaw.
Level: intermediate
Number of dancers: 14 (7 couples)
Location: AR4
Choreographers: Jeff Tong and Katie Cobalt

Tuesday 20th January

Style: Irish (soft and heavy shoe)
Description: This piece will start off with soft shoe traditional Irish dance and will incorporate Ceili group dancing. The song then changes with a “sexy outburst” half way through, when the heavy shoe part comes in. The piece will be about the transition from old traditional Irish dance to the newer sexy style. The music is “Breakout” from Lord of the Dance and will guarantee to have your toes tapping by the end!
Level: all levels, with experienced tappers for the heavy shoe part
Number of dancers: 8 for soft shoe and 8 for heavy shoe
Location: AR3
Choreographer: Kellie-Ann Cummins

Style: tap
Description: This tap number will be fun, high energy and fast paced! The theme is based upon women in the war who were left behind, the women could fully express and enjoy themselves – without the need for men (boys are welcome in the piece however)! The piece is loosely based around ‘swing’ style tap and the 30s and will be fun and upbeat, aiming to leave a smile on your face!
Level: advanced
Number of dancers: 15
Location: AR1
Choreographers: Robyn Adams and Connie Hook

Style: belly dance
Description: a piece depicting how Belly Dance has changed and evolved through generations, from it’s ancient Arabic tribal origins to its modern adaptations all over the world. It should hopefully be a dance with 3 segments of Belly Dance from different countries and eras. This is a great opportunity to get your booty shaking!
Level: all levels
Number of dancers: 15
Location: AR3
Choreographer: Aparnaa Balamurali

Wednesday 21st.

Style: street/hip hop with KPOP elements
Description: this piece is about friends and family who have people they love at war and need to keep communication as tight as possible. Letters are still the number one form of communication, even with other technology existing and the ‘technology revolution’. Keeping your loved ones nearby will be key to this fun piece.
Level: all levels
Number of dancers: 15-20
Location: AR1
Choreographer: Jodie Sayson

Style: ballet
Description: a classical ballet to the amazing soundtrack of “Les Misérables” (an instrumental version). This piece welcomes all abilities of ballerinas and will be emotive and expressive to reflect the powerful nature of the storyline and the French revolution.
Level: all levels
Number of dancers: 20
Location: AR2
Choreographers: Brittany Briscoe and Asha Cunningham

Style: Hip hop
Description: This dance is based on the definition of revolution as ‘an instance of revolving’ i.e
going around in a circle. In particular, we wanted to highlight the revolutionary nature of music.
Relatively recently, sampling portions of old songs has become more prevalent in the music scene – thus bringing back music from the past to create a new sound. In keeping with this concept, we plan on solely using tracks which have sampled other songs.
Our aim is to create a piece where the focus is on showcasing the hip hop choreography, rather than trying to convey a storyline. We envision a fun piece, with an emphasis on strong visuals! The music will be to “Anaconda” and “Flawless” remixes.
Level: Advanced Beginners/Intermediate
Number of dancers: 14-16
Location: AR2
Choreographers: Jisun Oh and Xin Ho

Style: contemporary
Description: This emotive piece is based on our reaction to cancer and the stages people go through to cope with it. It revolves around the emotional aftermath of dealing with someone who is ill, looking at physical and emotional aspects. The idea of turmoil develops and proceeds into recovery so a full ‘circle’ occurs, with each dancer has their own individual process on stage. The song is to I See Fire Ed Sheeran and I am looking for emotion over technique.
Level: Intermediate and above
Number of dancers: 11
Location: AR4
Choreographer: Jamie Tiru


Style: hip hop (plus contemporary)
Description: this is the story of a group of people timidly settling in a new land, exposing themselves to an entirely new and different perspective on life, and for better or for worse, meeting the locals whose response may not be just as they expected. Their stories would be intertwined for the next four years – all summed up in this four-minute piece. Please audition as it would be great to have you on board through this exciting discovery!
Level: all levels
Number of dancers: 12-16
Location: AR4
Choreographer: ZiHong Mok

Style: Breaking and hip hop
Description: For this year’s official Breakin’ KCL piece the theme is Men In Black. The film has a plot following two agents of a secret organisation called Men in Black, who supervise extraterrestrials who live on Earth and hide their existence from humans. Our piece will be based on the film and it will focus on human revolution against aliens – it will also include a battle between humans and aliens. For costumes we were thinking black suits for guys and alien costumes for girls. The style will be hip hop and breaking (similar to last year’s Breakin’ Bad) and the music will be to original theme songs from Men In Black. Although this piece is the Breakin’ KCL routine, we will be including lots of hip hop and would love to have as many hip hop dancers as possible!
Level: all levels
Number of dancers: 20-25
Location: AR4
Choreographers: Dorothy Szucs and Dan Wilson

Style: funk styles- locking, breaking & popping
Description: funk music with 70s and 80s feel with some 90s hip hop.
Level: all levels welcome- some experience preffered
Number of dancers: 18-22
Location: AR4
Choreographers: Chiedu

Thursday 22nd.

Style: lyrical
Description: This is a lyrical jazz piece to ‘Photograph’ by Ed Sheeran and will be focussed around 3 young couples during the war. The couples will do lift work and a further 8 dancers will portray the fiancés of soldiers. The routine will be centred around the theme of separation, love and potential tragedy because of war and revolution.
Level: Boys with good jazz technique and girls with strong ballet and jazz technique.
Number of dancers: 14
Location: AR1
Choreographer: Josh Collier-Keywood

Style: burlesque
Description: this sexy burlesque routine is based upon the changing position of women in society. The piece starts with a 1950s style section in which the women are housewives, ultimately subordinate to their husbands. As the piece goes on, the women gradually become more and more empowered (this would also be reflected in the changing musical style) through their expression in dance and burlesque. The piece ends with Beyoncé’s ‘Diva’ as the women truly revolt against patriarchal society and take control through the art of dance. This piece will allow the inclusion of different styles of burlesque, from classic jazzy burlesque to more modern RnB. I want to create a fun, sassy but also powerful piece which showcases the many burlesque dancers here at King’s, and their different styles of performance.
Level: all levels (performance more important than technique)
Number of dancers: 15-20
Location: AR4
Choreographer: Laura Bailey

Style: Contemporary
Description: This piece is themed on new aged feminism and powerful women. The style will have sharp moves as well as lyrical to contrast against this. The mood of the piece is fierce and strong and the music is to ‘I’m New Here’ by Jamie XX and Gil Scott-Heron. Audition for this piece if you are looking for great contemporary moves to great music based upon an important and relevant theme!
Level: advanced
Number of dancers: 6-8
Location: AR4
Choreographer: Katie O’Brien

Style: commercial
Description: ‘On the run’ is the title of this piece, which is a jazz dance, centered around the idea of prisoners escaping from the confines of jail. The dance will start with the prisoners in jail, with uniform, regimented movements, and will build up in energy to the prisoners escaping and being on the run. Both boys and girls are welcome, as we are looking to fill roles of prisoners and wardens. Overall, we are looking to create a sassy, fast and fun piece! The link to the song we are using is below:
Level: intermediate to advanced
Number of dancers: 14-18
Location: AR4
Choreographers: Francesca Davis and Isabelle Tate

Style: Musical theatre
Description: High school revolutions; a beautified blood bath where the age old survival of the fifties prevails. This musical theatre jazz piece tells the tale of a failed attempt to upturn the haute couture hierarchy of the Heathers. If you see yourself as a sassy senior with a taste for power then I’d love to see what you got! Bring New Yorkers/ Dance heels and a lot of attitude!
Level: intermediate (facials over technique)
Number of dancers: 15-18 girls only
Location: AR4
Choreographer: Ellen Dunkley

Style: character jazz/hip hop
Description: This dark piece is about people of the underworld and dark and twisted creatures taking over the world. The creatures of the dark come out into the world and take over, waking up in a new body for the first time. There will be extra dancers to flood the auditorium as well as those on stage in this exciting and different routine! Get in touch with your twisted and dark alter egos to truly disturb the audience!
Level: all levels (character is important)
Number of dancers: 15
Location: AR4
Choreographer: Alex Theoklitou

Friday 23rd.

Style: musical theatre
Description: this fun number is to ‘Revolting Children’ from Matilda. It plays on the double meaning of revolting as an adjective to describe the disgusting children, and also the noun to revolt against Miss Trunchbull. This jazz based piece will be really fun and not too technical, I will also be recruiting a crowd of show members to ‘join the revolution’ towards the end! This piece will open the show with a bang!
Level: all levels
Number of dancers: 9-12 plus extras to join in the revolution!
Location: AR2
Choreographer: Amy Burley

Style: tap
Description: This cheesy and upbeat piece will be set to the music of the Spice Girls who were a revolutionary girl group (in case you didn’t know)! We want the ‘girl power’ phenomenon, which the band promoted, to be a strong theme within the piece.
The concept surrounds dancers as they wait to watch a Spice Girls concert in the 90’s. Two groups of fans are waiting in line when an argument erupts over who gets the last ticket to the show. If you like great pop music, performance and a bit of cheese then this is the dance for you!
Level: all levels
Number of dancers: 15-20
Location: AR2
Choreographers: Penny Vourou and Olivia Richardson

Style: tap
Description: in this piece there will be two opposing groups of dancers – one group in red and the other in white – ‘fighting’ at the beginning of the piece, then towards the middle of the dance they begin to merge and work together until eventually the two sides are dancing as one unit. The song ‘This is War’ by 30 Seconds to Mars is the music, with the idea that sometimes a revolution is accompanied by a war before everything is resolved. This is a powerful tap piece with a strong, fighting theme!
Level: intermediate and above (also open to beginners)
Number of dancers: 12
Location: AR2
Choreographer: Eleanor Wheldon

Style: mainly contemporary but dancers from any background welcome
Description: this emotional piece is to “Nirvana” by Sam Smith and is themed around marriage equality. The beginning of the piece starts with a few recorded news clippings of people against marriage equality, with a couple reacting to this badly. Frustrated, they walk to opposite ends of the stage. The couple progresses from either side of the stage and meets in the middle. The ‘others’ are against them, and try to keep them apart. They give in finally and accept it, and dress the couple for a wedding (i.e: veil if female couple, tie and blazer for male couple + bouquet). The couple walk down the stage and have their moment. As well as contemporary dancers, I want to welcome dancers from al styles, such as breakers.
Level: intermediate to advanced
Number of dancers: 14-16 (2 as the main same sex couple)
Location: AR2
Choreographer: Isabelle Ng

Style: bachata and tango
Description: this piece is entitled ‘When The Teacher Is Out’. In a strict tango class the teacher makes sure backs are straight, intimacy is limited and rules are followed, but when she leaves, the students have their own secret revolution. The dance starts off with tango then switches to bachatango when the teacher leaves; at which point the students get more intimate! The moves will be simple with occasional flashy advanced moves dotted in the choreo at certain beats in the music.
Level: advanced bachata ability
Number of dancers: 10-14 (5-7 couples)
Location: AR4
Choreographer: Piyal Chowdury

Style: ballet and break dance
Description: When you meet the one for you, you change yourself for the one. It’s simple, like finding true love, yet is revolutionary. You change yourself revolutionary when meeting the one you love. The only one you want to give your entire life for. Focusing on expressing inner feelings coming out for the loved one during that revolutionary process, like fighting against yourself, fighting against jealousy and anxiety that come together with being in a relationship, through the fusion of 2 distinct styles, ballet and break dance.
We are looking for passionate, hard-working dancers who would like to try something new. Have a look at last year’s ballet & breakin, you will get some idea:
Level: advanced (ballerinas en pointe)
Number of dancers: 8-12 (4-6 couples)
Location: AR2
Choreographers: Kana Maniwa and Ethan Wong

Style: salsa (ladies styling)
Description: this is a very energetic and fast-paced salsa ladies styling piece (with a bit of Beyoncé thrown in for good measure)! The piece is set in an art gallery scene where the paintings come to life. As well as some lovely sexy salsa ladies it would be nice to have some breakers for when the girls come to life out of the paintings.
Level: all levels
Number of dancers: 10-15
Location: AR4
Choreographer: Mariya Derelieva